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Tools & Innovations

Our full portfolio of products and innovations at a glance

Looking for a solution to help you succeed?

SimVentions’ goal is to find an innovative solution to a problem rather than trying to find a problem that matches one of our existing innovative solutions. Similar words, but very different focus! The company makes extensive use of Science & Technology (S&T) funding as well as the use of Internal Research and Development (IRAD) dollars to develop innovation that can be used by our customers to solve problems, save money, and provide repeatable processes.

This approach allows us to determine where the needs are for innovation, utilize S&T dollars (or our own money) to develop a solution, then apply that solution to our customers’ specific needs. This enables us to provide the best solution at the cheapest price, and not expect our customers to pay for the development of the initial innovation.

All of these innovative tools currently support SimVentions customers or company employees in performing their job in a more efficient manner.



Can’t find what you need? Let’s see if a custom-built solution is what you are looking for!


SimVentions Awarded $98M Five-Year Contract to Support Tomahawk Weapons System for NSWC Dahlgren  

SimVentions is pleased to announce a five-year, $98M contract awarded by the NSWC Dahlgren.
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SimVentions Awarded $14M DARPA Contract to Advance SmartKM Technology for DoD Decision-Making 

SimVentions awarded three-year, $14M contract for the continued development and enhancement of its SmartKM technology for DARPA.
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SimVentions Awarded OASIS+ Contract with GSA to Expand Engineering Services Across Federal Government 

SimVentions is pleased to announce its award on the One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus Contract with the General Services Agency.
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